Dead Horse Jun 08

Near Cottonwood on the Verde River
P6052302   DEAD HORSE RANCH STATE PARK P6052303   The Verde River Greenway: a 2.5 mile riparian loop P6052304   A lagoon near the Verde P6052305
P6052307   Mistleltoe growing in a tree P6052308 P6052309 P6052310
P6052311   A hill of large ants as we turn for the riverbank P6052312 P6052313 P6052314
P6052315 P6052316   The Verde P6052317 P6052318
P6052319 P6052321 P6052322 P6052324
P6052326 P6052327 P6052329   A watermelon flower... P6052330   ...and a three-inch watermelon
P6052331 P6052333 P6052334 P6052335
P6052337 P6052338 P6052339   Crossing our only muddy patch on the trail P6052340
P6052341 P6052343 P6052344 P6052345
P6052346 P6052347   At the end of the loop, we head back to the campground and parking P6052348 P6052349   The fishing pond at the campground
P6052350 P6052351 P6052352   Where to go now? The day is still young. P6052353
P6052354 we head for the Mesa trail on this unusually cool morning P6052355 P6052356   An old farm cabin P6052357
P6052358 P6052359 P6052360 P6052362
P6052363 P6052365 P6052366 P6052367   On top of the mesa, we enjoy great views of Cottonwood and Tuzigoot
P6052368 P6052370 P6052371 P6052372
P6052373   An ocotillo in springtime leaf P6052374   We stop for a snack, but not for shade P6052376 P6052377
P6052379 P6052381   Heading back, we cross a cattle guard P6052382 P6052383   An automated weather station
P6052384   Getting close to the old cabin... P6052385 P6052386 P6052387
P6052389 P6052391 P6052392